Monday, January 27, 2020

what to expect in college...

College Life Will be Better...

To a majority of the people, high school was not a walk in the park. Therefore, we end up looking forward to college. We convince ourselves that it is a new beginning, a fresh start at making things different. Those who were popular in high school and the silent ones including those considered weird hope to blend in. Proves how alike we all are. In some cases, you find those that want to leave a mark; whether in a sorority or a campaign, we all hope for change and improvement.

Peer Pressure

It really should be peer support but in this social media era, there is a need to know how good your life is from pictures you post in your accounts. You don't want to appear dull and boring. You will easily do drugs, miss classes and spend a lot of time in school than usual amassing your student loans. This is not because you want to, but that you have to.

Sadly, you are under the constant pressure to behave a certain way and it can easily lead to distress and mental unwellness. when you are constantly finding ways to hide, you easily forget who you are and end up connecting with people you have nothing in common.

We become part of a chain of alcoholics or addicts and flourish by constantly putting each other down. it is impossible for one to genuinely support you in your goals and endeavours

So how do you break this chain?

nobody wants to hear this, but there is a greater reward in being yourself. that way, it might take longer but you will end up in a circle you belong, one that you might end up friends for eternity

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